Thursday, October 4, 2012

Common Sense for the First Amendment

  Today I am blogging about a article I read on ABC News about the Kountze High School cheer leading squad located in a small East Texas town just north of Beaumont.  The cheerleaders thought it would be a great idea to hold up signs portraying christian bible versus at the school's football games. The signs were meant to support and motivate the players.  For example, one sign read, "If God is for us, who can be against us?".  Somehow, this lighthearted sign offended someone, and the school superintendent forced the cheerleaders to discontinue using the signs.  However, the cheerleaders refuse to go down without a fight and hired a lawyer to defend their right to use the signs.

I believe this to be an important topic in America, because somewhere down the road, atheist groups have twisted the wording and meaning of the First Amendment.  The First Amendment states, word for word, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Someone tell me how a group of cheerleaders holding up religious signs is a form of congress making a law respecting an establishment of religion.  Secondly, tell me how a group of cheerleaders holding up a religious sign is PROHIBITING the free exercise of religion?  

This article is important to me because I'm tired of these anti-religious groups crying and complaining every time the word God is thrown out.  In my mind, if the courts rule against the cheerleaders, the government will have prohibited the cheerleaders free exercise of religion, therefore violating their First Amendment.  I do agree that religion should stay out of government, but this story is about a cheer leading squad holding signs.  It's not like President Obama is saying the lords prayer on public television during a Christmas day parade.  

Come on government, use some common sense!

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